My Python Script Sent me a message on Telegram , When it finishes running … and here is how.
It is very annoying when you have to wait for a few minutes to get the result of your code , what about if you have to wait for a few hours, in this blog I will explain how to use telegram bots to send messages for you using python code so you will know the result of your script when you are having a good time.
First : Create a Telegram Bot
In the following steps I will explain how to Create a telegram bot , get the HTTP API Access Token , Chat ID , and sent your first Message.
- Start a conversation with the BotFather
2. Create a bot with a cool name
start interacting with the bot using commands like the image below and give the bot a cool name , then you will get a HTTP API access token to use when interacting with your bot .
3. Get the chat ID
to get the bot Chat ID sent a GET request to the following URL :<HTTP API ACCESS TOKENT>/getUpdates
Second : Create Python function
you can create a python file which contain a function to call Telegram API like the following example.
Don’t forget to install the requests library using the following pip command
pip install requests
import requests
def telegramMessage(message):
data= { 'chat_id' : <ChatID>,
'text' : f'{message}' }
r = = URL, data = data)
messageResponse = r.text
And call the function in the main python code .
from telegram import * # importing the function to the main program
telegramMessage("This is an awesome Telegram Message" )
The final Result
I hope this was helpful for you , thank you for reading .
I’m an Engineer , Pentester , Researcher.
passionate about CyberSecurity , networking , Linux ,and coding.
had my bachelor degree in Electronics and communication engineering , Now I am a master degree student in communications systems.