About Pentester Diaries

Somewhere, Something Incredible Is Waiting To Be Known

Carl Sagan

Pentester Diaries is a Blog about Cybersecurity , Linux , Networking , and maybe every things related to technology not just about Pentesting.

I have created this blog as a Self improvement project for learning new things, and sharing what I have learned with the IT community , this is my way for giving back to the community and saying thank you for the great minds and souls that helped me , and help every other person around the world to fulfil their curiosity.

I hope this blog will give you something , maybe an Idea , maybe a way to solve a problem you are trying to solve , or to learn something new.

” If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a mistake.”

Frank Wilczek

I openly welcome all contacts , comments , Suggestions , and criticism.

Best Regards ,

Saleh Al-Hourani